Wednesday, May 14

You know I love her...

Time for a confession...

Leah is driving me absolutely insane. No, it's not because she is being bad or anything. She just WILL NOT LEAVE ME ALONE!!! When she is home, unless she is watching TV (and sometimes even then) she has to be ON me or talking to me ALL THE TIME!!! I am about to lose it with her. And I feel bad about it because most of the time she is so sweet and lovey and she tells me she loves me all the time. But I am dreading the last day of her school (May 22nd). It is only two days a week, but it gives me 6 Leah-free hours a week. And that is WONDERFUL! Erin naps for part of that time, and the rest of it she and I can play and cuddle uninterrupted. I really treasure that time she and I get alone. I am NOT looking forward to this summer having Leah around all the time. With her not napping anymore, it is so hard. I am trying to institute that "rest time in your room" but she is out every few minutes asking if her time is up yet. I need to put that door guard on again at rest times just to get some peace.

Thank goodness school next year is 3 days a week. I can't wait!!!


Keri Donald said...

I can SOO relate! On top of just wanting attention, Annabelle wants the same baby attention that Corgan gets too so she keeps asking to sit on my lap and wants me to hold her and everything like I have to do with Corgan.

Do they not have summer school? Belle's school has a summer session so I definitely signed her up for that too. Still only 3 days/week, but it's a great break from the toddler questions and, like you said, you get to give the littlest one your uninterrupted attention and I know Corgan doesn't get much of that otherwise. I can't imagine how it is with a non-napping toddler!

Angelle said...

They only have a one week session and it costs as much as a whole month! So we are doing ballet and swim lessons. Not nearly enough me time though.

Pitty Boon said...

Just a passerby - but I wanted to thank you for being so honest!!!! You said what so many moms are afraid to say!!!! (But have all felt) I have the same problem, and I too feel guilty for feeling it, but my two yr. old NEVER. STOPS. TALKING. to me...add that I am a single mom, and she's an only child, and. well. you can paint the picture! I am so guilty of putting a movie or NOGGIN on just for some *quiet time* !!! Thanks for sharing your blog!