Monday, July 9

A Pea in the... Nose?

I had to blog about this. It was hilarious and terrifying all at the same time. Last night at dinner Leah had some peas and carrots from the can. Mike and I are sitting there with her and she is watching Dora as a special treat. We usually don't watch TV at dinnertime. So all of a sudden I notice that she is digging in her nose. I tell her to stop and she says "A bean." I immediately thought of pea and said "Is there is pea in your nose?" She said "Yeah." I still didn't think it was true, I mean, why would she put a pea in her nose? Then Mike held her other nostril and made her blow, and suddenly we could see the pea. It worked well for a minute, then I guess she freaked out and sucked in. We couldn't see the pea at all anymore. I run upstairs to get the tweezers and I can hear Mike downstairs telling her to blow again. At this point I think he was scaring her and she started crying. I was afraid that crying would make her breathe it in even farther, so we had to calm her down. I took her on my lap and talked calmly to her while reaching in her nose with the tweezers. I still could not see the pea, but I kept grabbing farther and farther in. I was freaked out to go to far, but it didn't take too long to grab the pea and pull it most of the way out. Five seconds later it was out and she was back to eating chicken nuggets, no more peas today. :) We starting having her repeat "Food only goes where?" and she says "In my mouth, not my nose, not my ear, only mouth!"

Ahh.... parenting adventures!

pregnancy due date


Laurie said...

LMAO. I just can't believe we haven't run into this problem yet...

Keri Donald said...

I love it! I'll have to remember to start that chant soon! :)

Christina said...

That is so funny and scary. I'm also surprised Zach hasn't tried that one yet.

NaeNae said...

Peas in the nose? Too funny!