Thursday, January 31

Home Alone

Oh my god, watching Lost by yourself SUCKS! I don't like scary stuff as it is, but this episode is super freaky. Someone come over here and watch it with me!


Rhiannon said...

Haven't watched it yet! I have it on the dvr waiting for the weekend!!!

Laurie said...

Sorry- was in bed dozing for most of it! I have to rewatch it again this weekend!

Mike said...

sorry babe! i miss watching with you. :)

Christeeny said...

I watched it & noticed how tense I was getting. I kept screaming out "what?!?!"

We should've called each other & watched tv together. I do that w/ my sister all the time. :-)

Kelly in NC said...

I prefer to watch it by myself. the alternative is Tim coming in and then asking me stupid questions like...
IF they've been on the island for so long how come that fat guy (Hurley) isn't skinny yet?
Who's Penny and why are they upset that it isn't her boat?
If they've been on that island so long, why hasn't that cell phone died yet? (the statelite phone)

And that is only 3 of the questions I was forced to either a) ignore or b)give a very short response.

Christina said...

That picture of Erin is ridiculously cute!