Thursday, April 19

Another ultrasound and no cigar

So this darn baby is a bit of a pill. :) During the entire half hour we looked, he or she had a foot pressed up against the important spot. We tried everything, but that baby was TOO comfy. So the doc generously said he would check again next appt (May 16th). How am I supposed to get ready for him or her???? Obviously I still need to be taught the lesson of flexibility when it comes to kids, because this kid is definitely making sure I learn it.

Book Tour info will be posted later today or tomorrow. Make sure you check it out!


1 comment:

Emily said...

Stubborn little munchkin! Can you do a neutral room, or were you hoping to re-use Leah's nursery stuff if this is a girl (we re-used but our bedding was neutral in the first place)?

I know this makes it hard. I like to plan too!