Thursday, July 27

So it begins...

We begin the long dark journey known as decorating the house. Choosing a motif, color palette, decor, etc. is very consuming when you have a new home. You want it to be stylish and better than your last home. But you just bought a house, there isn't usually extra cash lying around saying spend me. You try to prioritize items, but everything seems essential at the time. So you buy things piecemeal, hoping things don't look too freakish half-done. At least that's how I feel.

On to another topic. My daughter is just getting more and more fun. She is 14 1/2 months going on 10. She has such attitude, as I was told by the gym caretakers today. She was only there for 30 minutes but pitched a fit the entire time. They had to come get me to take her out. So the fun part is a very slight bit of sarcasm. Really though, she is a blast to watch. She loves to hide behind something and peep her head out to look at you. If you get excited about seeing her, she will continue to peep out every 10 seconds or so. It is truly adorable!

1 comment:

Kelly in NC said...

I have started back to school now, and would love to come by and see your new house... Give me a call sometime! I'd love to see you, Crabby Daddy and Crabby Baby!