Tuesday, July 11

Trying out this blogging thing...

Hello all! So to explain my domain name and title, I love to eat blue crabs. They are my ultimate favorite food. I know it implies that I have a crabby personality, but I absolutely do not (my husband would argue on occasion). I was trying to come up with something that was unique about me without getting too cheesy or trite. So Crabby Mama it is :)

I sit here right now hoping Leah is finally asleep. Lately she has been going to bed late and waking up several times throughout the night. I read in my favorite baby sleep book, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, that when night waking occurs, earlier bedtimes often fix it. It has been proven in the past in our house, so we are trying it again tonight. So far, no luck. I just heard her over the monitor.


Keri Donald said...

Interesting! Annabelle has been waking up every couple of hours during the night lately, and she's now up to near midnight for her bedtime! I know it's my fault for traveling with her and getting her sleeping schedule all screwy, but I think the traveling experience is worth it. :) And we'll be home tomorrow to get life back to normal.
I'll have to take a look at that book if her sleeping schedule doesn't get back to normal quickly.
BTW, glad to have another Mommy blog to read! Yea! Hope to see you soon!

Emily said...

Good luck with the bedtime - we've had serious bedtime issues here for quite a while now (especially ever since I broke my leg).

Glad to see you bloggin' - I'll change the link to you on mine!

Kelly in NC said...

Ooooo...I love new blogs to read! Thanks for blogrolling mine! Alos, check out my sisters at Nae Nae in NC...it is on my blog roll! Hope to see you soon! Also, change your comments options, so that non-blogspot people can leave comments too. Otherwise, I have to leave the link to my blogspot account that I could never get to work right!

NaeNae said...

Hi! I'm Kelly's sister! Welcome to the blog world. I am also dealing with the same issue with my new baby. Good luck and keep us posted!