I don't think I mentioned in the last post that we closed on our house December 1st! Now we are officially single-home owners. Glad to have the $ here before Christmas too. Mike is already in the process of purchasing a 50" plasma TV for our living room. And we will be building a shed in the backyard shortly. So there goes our earnings. :)
My genius baby is counting to twelve lately. She skips five and nine, but, hey, who cares?!? She is counting! Also, I have to tell a Dora story. We were watching an episode we had never seen before (there is such a thing?). Backpack opens up and they ask the kids to find something to slide down the snowy mountain. They point to a pair of binoculars and say is this it? Leah says "No." They point to a pair of skis and say is this it? Leah says "YES!" How the heck does she know what skis are? Geez, what that child DOESN'T know!
Last week of work before winter break. Can't wait!
Monday, December 11
Counting to twelve

Thursday, December 7
The Theriot Adventure
This photo is of all the Theriot girl cousins except one (who was having contractions at the wedding and had to leave).
So Leah survived another fun-filled installment of the Theriots. We flew to New Orleans on Friday with a short layover in Atlanta. Leah was great, she watched her Dora videos on both flights. When we arrived, she was super spoiled by her Mimi and Pawpaw. Saturday we drove to our hotel and got ready to attend my cousin Katie's wedding. It wasn't until 7pm so Leah was already tired when we got there. All of my aunts and cousins of course wanted to play with her and hold her but she was clinging to Mommy & Daddy. She danced with us some and liked sitting on the step in front of the cake. After a while we just put her in her pajamas and she settled down.
On Sunday we enjoyed lunch with my sister, her boyfriend, and my brother. They gave Leah such nice Christmas gifts. They were amazed to see how verbal she is. She chatted about her colors and her new Pooh Bear stuffed animal.
Monday, we had a birthday party for my step-mom. Several of my aunts came from New Orleans to my dad's house along with my grandparents. Leah warmed up to everyone pretty well in a more familiar environment.
Then on Tuesday night we took Leah to see her first movie, Happy Feet. She talked about it for days beforehand. Once we got there she settled right in. She was so cute sitting there in her own little seat. They had a booster seat for the chairs that worked for her. In the beginning she was great, watching so intently. Toward the middle she started getting antsy and saying "pen-gin all done" and trying to climb out of the seat. Then she got interested again and sat all the way through the end. I can't wait to do a scrapbook page of it. I even took a picture of her in her seat!
So lovely vacation and it's back to the grind. This weekend we have our Progressive Dinner and then only 1 more week until I am off until the New Year.